Digital Dashboard                                    Virtual Assembly

CTM’s Digital Dashboard Technology brings your "virtual assembly line data" to life. Since an opportunity life cycle may contain thousands of detailed fields of variable and fixed data, it makes sense to have this information organized into one brief "snapshot". Digital Dashboards provide users with one single interface through which they can view information from a variety of sources that have been chosen specifically for that user. 

A digital dashboard is like a nerve center that allows you to view information consolidated from various sources. Digital dashboards are customized to allow you to access personal files, e-mail company databases, web sites, and more—all in one place. A dashboard, on the other hand, is a personalized view that provides consolidated information for an individual user. Since dashboards are based on CTM technology, they provide analytical and collaborative tools to help knowledgable workers use information to make decisions.

A Digital Dashboard provides instant feedback to track and identify any component of an OLC that needs immediate attention. Depending on the user’s role, he or she would only have access to information which they manage.

The dashboard of a CEO would look entirely different than the dashboard of a knowledge worker. For example, the CEO would have access to all of the Critical Tasks being performed in the organization, while the marketing manager would only have access to the Critical Tasks in his or her department.

Dashboards allow users to focus on the tasks that need immediate attention, and create a "first things first" approach to solving problems.

The sooner the feedback, the sooner you can respond. Another advantage to Digital Dashboards is that they allow all system users to integrate CTM with Microsoft Outlook. For example, you can continue to use all of the contact database, calendar and email functions which most employees are familiar with, by simply dropping the CTM Software inside of Outlook.

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