Fixed Data -FD                                            CTM Hierarchy

Often, the basic comments of an Economics 101 professor include, “all things being equal” or “let’s assume all factors remain constant” somewhere within their dialogue. These comments in a nutshell explain the Newtonian Paradigm that exist throughout modern economics; which tries to explain the law of economics through hard science, or physics. Imagine if you could run your business with all things known remaining constant. 

Fixed Data-FD
Fixed Data Fields (Newton-Stability-Physics) require information used to manage the known situations and predict reliable outcomes. The benefit of this type of data is that it is easy to manage and that it does not change. The fixed data in our example of selling a home would be any data that is known. For example, the property address, the square footage of the home, etc. The purpose in CTM is to separate the fixed data from the variable data in order to define each critical task, and automate the population of fixed data as much as possible

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